
Showing posts from March, 2019

Seyun -- 92 years old Veteran of Ethiopian Conflict

Meet Seyun - whose name means “Appointed” - he is 92 years old, fought in the war between Ethiopia and Italy (1937?) and was a joy to visit. I met him while Wogene was buying teff to make Injera with. Seyun and I had a lot of laughs with my trying to convince him Texas was better than Ethiopia! He was having none of it!!!! Great times!!!

Camels in Menjare Region

I must admit I am fascinated with Camels.  They  just seem so graceful as they lope along.   Also I have notices almost a "pet" connection with their minders.   The genuinely seem to show affection to those who take care of them. Most of the camels I have seen in Ethiopia have been more to the North, but there were many camels along the roads and carrying good to market along the road.   Here are a few photos we took.

The People of Menjare

I so much enjoy taking photos of people in the villages we visit.   Here are a few photos we have taken.

The Children of Menjare

Each trip in Ethiopia is filled with beauty and adventure.  Each place we go is filled with children.  Although by most standards in the world, the children would be considered poor, there are areas of Ethiopia much more impoverished than the Menjare Region. These children were beautiful!   I must have passed out over 100 Super Balls as well as a few Hot Wheel Cars, Figit Spinners and Candy.

Two Trainings in Manjare Ethiopia

Manjare Ethiopia is small village about 80 miles east of Addis Abba.  The region has about 225,000 people.   Of that population, it is estimated there are less than 500 Evangelical Christians in the region.  We were invited to a small church and asked to hold 2 - two day sessions of Training.   There were between 70-80 in Menjare at the first of two training campaigns. Represented was 7 churches from 5 denominations in this Highly Orthodox Region. Out of a population of 225,000, there are less than 500 believers. When all is said and done, we are hoping to have about 150-175 of those believers learn how to better study, understand and communicate Gods Word. We finished our second training in Menjare. About 60-70 leaders from 6 Church’s and 4 denominations learned how to more effectively understand and communicate God’s word. Now one days rest, then on to Gambela!!!  —