The Orphans of Gambela
When we were there in January, what impressed me so much about these Sudanese Churches in Gamebela Region was they were extremely poor by any standards. Suffice it to say, they may be the poorest of the poor in Ethiopia. However, even in their poverty, the church understood they had a responsibility to care for the widows and orphans. Because of the number of people fleeing Sudan, there are many families that are separated, some parents are caught, some loose their life and other single parent families arise. They still look to help these orphans and other children at risk.
After seeing their heart in action, we made commitments to help them in these efforts. We have and will again provide clothes, food and a small monthly stipend for the Pastor or each church to distribute privately. Additionally, on this trip, the Ladies Bible Study Group made over 100 Pencil Pouches filled with Toothbrush and paste, pencil, pad, toy, candy and superball to be give to the children around the church in Gambela.
It is incredibly difficult to publicly tell who is an orphan, or child at risk and who is not, so in these public distributions, we try and have enough for everyone.
Here are the ladies as they assembled the packs in preparation for sending them with me to Ethiopia.
The Three Boys in the Swimming/Mud Hole on the way to Medeen. While we were traveling the road to Medeen, there were people walking all along the way. However, these three boys were swimming/playing in a mud hole when we drove by. They waved, so we stopped and waved them over. They would not approach the van - perhaps because it was a fereng (white guy) and they have no seen many of them. grin
We tossed three of the "Goodie bags" to them ... they grabbed them and scurried off into the brush. I was able to zoom in and watch as they opened the packs. Their smiles were amazing!
Wogene said that these little "Goodie Packs" may have been the one of the more valuable things that anyone has ever given them. It was a joy to watch them.
The Children at the Church in Gambela. We are working with this church to provide water and repair their buildings. We took "Goodie Bags" to the children - There were about 70-80 of them.
What a profound Blessing to see your efforts with these children of God. Thank you so much h Dr. Mark! Love In Christ! Karen Eernisse